Listed below are all the services we provide within 2 days or less.
These are great options for homeowners, Landlords, tenants and realtors that want to refresh a home before moving dates, listing photos or If you just want to refresh your space.
All Services have a daily rate of $599 + HST and applicable materials.
Jobs that require additional work outside of the services listed will be quoted individually aside from the day rate.

Post Repairs
The fence on the left has had 2 posts replaced. We only provide this service for fences with easy access and 3 posts or less that need to be replaced.
Fence/Deck Surface Washing
We can make your fence or deck look new again! This process can be done with wood cleaning agents or a standard pressure washer. Each process has its benefits and drawbacks. We have the expertise to advise you on the best way to restore your fence or deck.

New Gates
Have an old and tired gate? Depending on budget we can set you new posts or build a new smooth functioning gate on existing posts in 2 days or less.
Exterior Railings
Need an updated look or railings to meet code requirements? We can do that!

Drywall Repair
We offer drywall patches as part of our home services program. in order to qualify for our 2 day repair pricing patches must be limited in number. We guarantee a flat finish.
Room Refresh
We offer small scale renovations at our day rate of 599+ materials and HST. This includes painting, trim, some types of flooring and drywall corrections. Typically this process takes 3-4 days depending on room size and pre-existing condition.

if you're like us and you can't sleep at night unless that hole in your wall is patched and painted, give us a call or book us below!