van Tol homes specializes in new deck construction during the summer months. Whether you're interested in re designing an existing deck, re facing a deck, building new or sanding and staining a well loved hangout. Big or small we do it all.
van Tol Homes also specializes in all types of residential and commercial fencing needs. Privacy Screens, Chain Link, Ornamental, Vinyl and decorative fencing such as Picket fences.

Whether you're after a new pool house or storage for your garden equipment, van Tol Homes has the solution for you
Accessory structures can be a nice touch to refresh an outdoor seating area. Give us a call if you're looking to hang lights and hangout!

Interlock Brick
Fire-pits, patios, walkways and pool surrounds are great places to lay some brick. If you're looking to have some interlock done give us a call.
We provide concrete patios, shed foundations and walkways exclusively in a broom finish.
Decks with solid joists are great candidates for re-facing. To give your old and tired deck a modern new look composite is a great product to re face with!
This video takes you around a freshly re-faced deck fitted with the necessary joists to create a 12" O.C Spacing and support a beautiful picture frame border.
We also installed joist tape to help wick moisture off the tops of joists and provide a consistent colour between the 1/8" gap between boards.
Looking for a quote? Book US Below!